The global market for medical technology companies
The global market for medical technology companies – facts and figures
Juli 2020 – The global market for medical technology continues to offer great market opportunities for medical technology companies. Especially in the Middle East and Asia, the markets are growing steadily and rapidly. South America is recording double-digit growth rates, mainly due to the Mercosur free trade agreement concluded in 2019. Germany still plays the most important role in Europe. The per capita turnover is 402€, more than in any other country in the world.
Country | World Market Share | Market Volume € | Per capita sales |
North America | 39 % | 174.0 bn. | 301 € |
Europe | 27 % | 160.0 bn. | 160 € |
Germany | 7 % | 33.0 bn. | 402 € |
Asien | 26 % | 115.0 bn. | 26 € |
Russia | 1 % | 4.2 bn. | 30 € |
Brazil | 1 % | 5.5 bn. | 27 € |
Rest of the world | 7 % | 30.0 bn. | 20 € |
- There are 27,000 medtech companies in Europe, about half of which are based in Germany, followed by the UK, Ireland, Italy, Switzerland, Spain and France. Most of them are SMEs.
- 650,000 people work for medical technology companies in Europe, of which about 210,000 people are in Germany alone
- Two of the world’s top-selling companies are based in Germany: Siemens Healthineers and Fresenius Medical Care. Three others are among the top 10 in Europe. These are Philipps in the Netherlands and Novartis and Roche in Switzerland
North America:
- North America is the largest market for medical technology
- Seven of the ten top-selling medical technology companies come from the USA
- 6,500 small and medium-sized MedTech companies are located in the USA
- Approximately 520,000 people are employed by medical technology companies in the USA
- The main hubs are located in California, Minnesota, Massachusetts. Florida, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Texas, New York, New Jersey and Illinois also play an important role
- Asia is the third largest market after North America and Europe. Market researchers assume that Asia will overtake Europe in 2020.
- The main reason for the rapid growth in Asia is the growing middle class and the rising average age. This is expected to rise to around 600 million people by 2025.
- Various funding programmes are providing massive support for technical developments in Asian countries, for example in Singapore and China.
Rest of the world:
- Asia, Latin America and the Middle East show the greatest growth potential for medical products
- The MedTech market is growing enormously, especially in the Middle East
- Double-digit growth rates are predicted in emerging markets such as Mexico, Malaysia and Brazil
- Brazil is one of the fastest growing markets in the world. In recent years, imports have grown by around 26% annually. This can be explained by the free trade agreement Mercosur, which was concluded in 2019 and will continue to facilitate the export of MedTech products to South America.
Source: Marktstudie Medizintechnik 2020, Luther.Clairfield International
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