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Client portfolio


TSLTissue Science Laboratories plc, UK

… You are a consummate professional, and I would have no hesitation in working with you again or recommending you to my colleagues… You delivered the project on time and within budget and assuming it all goes well will have significantly contributed to the future of TSL …
(TSLTissue Science Laboratories plc, UK)


CathRx Ltd., Australia

… I was delighted with the professional and immediate response from Klaas Consulting … From the initial briefing, through identifying and filtering a number of potential partners, to recommending a final number of candidates for meetings: every step was completed on schedule, with clear analysis of the potentials versus the original brief …


Toray Industries, Inc., Japan

… In every case, preferable result was provided within a time frame agreed in advance … Reports are well prepared and skillfully written to meet the client purpose and cover the points which should be addressed by the research …


GMD Generic Medical Devices Europe sa/nv, Belgium

… From our first contact till the end of this project, you have proven to have the right contacts, that you are organized and that you are very professional …


ACON Laboratories, Inc., USA

… I have known other consultants with talent equivalent to Klaas Consulting. Many of them lacked Maria Klaas good nature and humility and few demonstrated the genuine intellectual curiosity that Maria has continuously exhibited – a curiosity that is often accompanied by her excitement or enthusiasm for an idea, a market research, negotiation skills or the lead role in a challenging operatic performance of a company…


Gaymar Industries, Inc., USA

… Your report met the objectives. It was clear, concise, and provided detailed reimbursements information that we had not been able to obtain in the past …

Meet us at Arab Health (January 27-30 November 2025) – ask for an appointment!

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