April 2020 by Maria Klaas – With 67 million inhabitants, France is the second largest market in Europe after Germany. And this also applies to the Medical Device sector. Therefore, medical device manufacturers from all over the world would like to place their products here as well. But how can a successful market entry take place?
Efficiency increase of the strategic distribution of medical devices in Europe for SMEs
Juli 2019 – Many medical device companies aim to sell their products on European markets. Their own budget bottlenecks allow only limited market opportunities. What are the reasons and what considerations should SMEs make to increase the efficiency of the strategic distribution of their medical devices?
Meet us at Medica (11-14 November 2024) – ask for an appointment!
Latest Insights
(Aug 24) Roland Berger Hospital Study 2024 in Germany. Larger hospitals expect a positive development in the coming years. Smaller hospitals are rather pessimistic about the future. According to the study, mergers could be a solution. (in German)
(July 24) New MDCG guideline on the clinical evaluation of orphan devices
(July 24) According to the current Hospital Rating Report 2024, 10% of hospitals are in the "red zone" with an increased risk of insolvency.
(June 24) According to the spring survey of the Hospital Index of the German Hospital Institute (DKI) (in German) 61% of German general hospitals rate their current economic situation as poor (40%) or very poor (21%). The reason for this is the forthcoming Hospital Care Improvement Act (KHVVG)
(Jan 24) TÜV Süd BABT Unlimited is an approved UK Aproved Body (UKAB) for Part III of the UK Medical Devices Regulations 2002 for Active Implantable Medical Devices (AIMD). Manufacturers can now obtain both UKCA and CE certification from TÜV Süd at the lysame time.
(Jan 24) Expansion of the AOP catalogue by the GKV-Spitzenverband
(Jan 24) Eudamed: the mandatory use of the UDI/Medical Devices Registration and Certificates/Notified Bodies modules has been postponed from Q1 2026 to Q2 2029
(Jan 24) 43 Notified Bodies in 18 countries are now accredited. Currently there are 10 each in Italy and Germany, 3 in the Netherlands; in addition, two each in Finland, Poland and Czech Republic and one each in Belgium, Denmark, Hungary, Lithuania, Norway, France, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,Turkey, Ireland, Croatia and Cyprus. Nando database
(Aug 23) Swissdamed (Swiss Database on Medical): ACT module, available from the beginning of 2024 for the registration of companies; registration of products via UDI module, available from summer 2024.
(May 23) Great Britain decides to extend the deadline for CE marking of medical devices according to MDR. From July 2025, the new legal framework is to apply
(Dec 22) According to. MHRA (Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency), the United Kingdom will continue to recognise the CE mark for medical devices until 30 June 2024. Previously, 30.6.2023 was planned.
(Nov 22) According to the Roland Berger study "Global MedTech-How to succeed in uncertain times", the medical technology industry is struggling with high energy costs, rising inflation and supply chain problems. Solutions are offered by digitalisation, more benefit-based billing models and the shift towards personalised medicine.
(Nov 22) Facts&Figures 2022 from MedTech Europe, the European trade association for the medical technology industry
(Nov 22) New MDCG document on requirements for Notified Bodies - in the context of the MDR as well as IVDR
(Nov 22) Swissmedic refers to aleaflet on the obligations for authorised representatives, importers and distributors
(June 22) studies published by the German Society for Biomedical Engineering in the VDE (VDE DGBMT)
Medical device manufacturers can apply to the Joint Federal Committee (G-BA) for the NUB and receive advice on the procedure. Rules of Procedure of the G-BA.
(April 22) Distinction between medical devices and medicinal products: Guidance document MDCG 2022 of the Medical Devices Coordination Group
Internet platform for medical needs in Ukraine by the German initiative Medical Bridge.eu
European industry association for digital assistive technology DATEurope founded in early 2021. DAT includes aids for communication, for the blind and visually impaired, for environmental control, assistive call systems, software tools and robotics.